Focusing on the well-being of our team

Over the past few years, we have focused on the well-being of all our team. There are several reasons why we think prioritising the health and well-being of the whole team is so important, especially when the team works remotely, and it isn’t always possible to check in with everyone daily.

Having a well-being programme in place has many benefits. We like to think that these three reasons help our team as much as they help the organisation.

Productivity: Well-being positively correlates with productivity. Physically and mentally employees are more likely to be focused, engaged, and able to perform their tasks effectively.

Morale and Engagement: Investing in employee well-being fosters a sense of belonging, satisfaction, and morale within the workforce. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to be loyal to the company, leading to a positive company culture.

Creativity and Innovation: Well-being is closely linked to creativity and innovation. Employees who are supported in their personal and professional development are more likely to think creatively and devise innovative solutions to challenges.

In 2022 we started our journey into developing a well-being programme in earnest. Before that, we had supported our team in different ways but decided we wanted a more structured approach that would help everyone.

4-Day Week

In 2022, we participated in a six-month four-day week trial. This was extremely successful, and following positive feedback from the internal staff, clients, and other stakeholders, we decided to make this permanent. To implement this change, we helped the team by sharing various productivity tools from workshops and webinars. These explained how to work smarter within the allocated work hours without compromising the quality of care offered.

Many of the team feel working four days a week has been the biggest positive change in their careers. They are able to spend time with friends and family without compromising their dedication to supporting their clients.

Breath Course

Our team participated in a four-week breathwork course in September 2023. The course was delivered by Elliot House, a Breath Coach from Breathlab. Everyone who took part felt that it helped them start each day by focusing on breathing to improve their health and well-being. The online course was a fantastic experience, and many of the team members now continue with this practice.

Sleep Workshop

In February 2024, quite a few members of the team and some of our clients participated in the Sleep Workshop run by Dr David Lee from Sleep Unlimited. It was a very informative talk. It covered the science around sleep, the impact on us if we don’t get enough sleep, and tips on preparing for a good night of sleep. It was also extremely helpful to get some advice on how we can better support our clients by advising them on improving their sleep patterns.

Fundraising events

Each year we nominate a charity for the year. This is part of our community engagement programme, but we believe also helps with the well-being of our team. Previously we have raised money for Framework and Nottingham Hospitals Charity. It gives us a chance to do something social out of the normal working week and spend time together. For some fundraising events, we also have clients and associates joining us, which makes the events even more special.

We organised two events last Summer to raise funds for Nottingham Hospitals Charity.  In July 2023, we took part in a sponsored walk. This event included some clients, the team and family too. In September 2023 some of the team hiked Kinder Scout for the day.

In July 2023, we took part in the CBIT Games in Birmingham. We had loads of fun supporting the Child Brain Injury Trust. It was a great team-building event, and again, we were delighted some of our clients joined us.

Plans for the year ahead

This year we are raising money for Abbie’s Fund. This was set up to raise money to provide memory boxes for the Maternity Unit at Hull Royal Infirmary’s Women and Children’s Hospital to give to parents who have lost babies. We are currently working to put together a range of fundraising activities as part of this.

We are also planning to run some courses with Think Productive, which will help us review our communications and interactions with each other. By reducing inefficiencies and distractions, we will give our team the headspace they need to do their best work.

We believe investing in employee well-being is ethical. We want all our team members to be happy and healthy. Ultimately, we believe this link with our overall strategic business plans and will yield numerous benefits for the company and our clients in terms of productivity, retention, innovation, and overall success.