A date for the diary —Tall oaks from little acorns grow!

As part of our recycling policy every bin liner of waste we recycle in the office counts towards the planting of trees at Sherwood Forest in Nottingham.

10 full bags equates to 1 tree – We are aiming for 12 trees planted on our behalf into a 63 sq metre plot at Sherwood Forest.  We are more than half way there and you can  check where we are with our recycling by looking at our tree-o-meter at our fundraising page

If you would like to join us for this very special event on Saturday 27th November 2010 at 10am at Sherwood Forest to help plant our new saplings (which have been raised from Robin Hood’s infamous Major Oak tree) then please get in touch by contacting Wendy on either 0115 7117070 or email her at the following:  wendy@akacasemanagement.co.uk to secure your place and to receive an information pack and ticket.

This will be a great day out with a picnic, plenty of fresh air and a great chance to meet other clients and our AKA team.