/* * Template Name: Team Member * description: >- Page template for team member */ Kerstin Pereira - AKA Case Management

Kerstin Pereira

Case Manager - Sheffield

Kerstin is an experienced Occupational Therapist who has a lot of experience in community and hospital settings and transitions between. Since obtaining her OT degree in 2006 she has worked in various settings and has also managed to squeeze in time to travel through Scotland and South East Asia, enjoying walking and mountain biking within the Scottish Borders and beyond.

We asked her a few questions to get to know her better:

Who would play you in a film about your life?

Po from Kung Fu Panda – “The Big Fat Panda” – for personality not looks!

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?

I would love to do a camper van tour around Sweden and Norway. My family are from Sweden and I have done a fair bit of walking in the north but have not been in to Norway. No wait – a cross country ski tour of Norway – or mountain biking in Canada…. so many adventures, so little time.

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?

As an incarnation of the ancient Dalai Lama lineage – does the current Dalai Lama count? On top of being an educational and enlightening meeting, he is known to be a real giggler! Reckon it would be awesome fun.

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