/* * Template Name: Team Member * description: >- Page template for team member */ Catherine Watkins - AKA Case Management

Catherine Watkins

Case Manager - South Derbyshire

Catherine is an HCPC-registered Music Therapist with over 10 years of experience working in complex acquired brain injury, stroke and neurodegenerative disease with all ages and all levels of disability.  Alongside this she has significant knowledge and experience of learning disability and mental health and a strong neuroscience and outcomes-based background having worked as a project manager in the pharmaceutical industry for 15 years.

Catherine’s experience is extensive, with additional qualification as a MATADOC Assessor (Disorders of Consciousness), Neurologic Music Therapy training, NMT fellowship, clinical supervisor and music therapy associate lectureships.  Catherine has worked with complex clients based in the community, residential and specialist rehabilitation settings as a key member of case-managed multidisciplinary teams, bringing change and new perspectives to teams of professionals.  She has presented at national UKABIF, BABICM and Royal Hospital for Neurodisability conferences, has been an active member of all things brain injury in the Midlands for many years and has excellent professional networks.

Catherine is passionate about innovation and creativity, the importance of psychological as well as function rehabilitation, breaking down barriers through multi-disciplinary and systemic working to achieve the best possible outcomes for clients.

Catherine’s project management and leadership capabilities are visible through her excellent communication and organisational skills, meeting facilitation, financial management and report writing.  She is an excellent listener and skilled at communicating, connecting and engaging with highly complex cases.

  1. What is the top thing on your bucket list?

I think it’s some way off, but would just love to perform in the West End in musical theatre or sing somewhere like the Albert Hall.

  1. What is your favourite film?

Honestly, ask my family, I am totally rubbish with films and tend to fall asleep!  My favourite film that I actually stayed awake in and have watched several times is the Queen movie, Bohemian Rhapsody.

  1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

I’d go for a Sloth – my son’s favourite animal, and I reckon they live a really chilled out life!

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